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Water Analysis and Maintenance:
At Catskill Pond we can test your lake water to determine the critical
information needed to better manage your water resources.
Contact us
today to schedule an appointment:
Water Quality Parameter Descriptions:
Dissolved Oxygen
Dissolved oxygen (DO) is a measure of the amount of oxygen available to
aquatic organisms, and is reported as mg/l or percent saturation. Percent
saturation is a representation of how much oxygen is dissolved in the water
relative to the amount of oxygen that can be held at a specific temperature.
Dissolved oxygen profile shows how stratification affects DO levels as depth
The pH measures the concentration of the hydrogen ions present in the water,
and is usually thought of as the measurement of acidic or alkaline
conditions. A pH of 7 is neutral with lower values being acidic and higher
values being alkaline. Most organisms in a lake prosper when the pH is
maintained between 6.5 and 9. When pH levels are out of the desired range
for long periods, detrimental affects may occur.
Hardness is a measure of the quantity of ions in water. Hardness levels
affect the toxicity of some algaecides, limit phytoplankton formation, and
play a role in fish growth. Levels below 15 mg/l should be increased with
the addition of 2-3 tons per acre of agricultural lime. See our
Alkalinity is defined as the quantity of base present in water. The most
common bases include carbonates, bicarbonates, hydroxides, and phosphates.
Total alkalinity is closely related to hardness with both being reported as
mg/l CaCO3. Alkalinity basically determines the buffering capacity of a
lake. A good buffering capacity will absorb introductions of acids and bases
with little change in pH levels. By maintaining the desired pH levels
nutrients are more available to phytoplankton resulting in a lake that has
an increased carrying capacity.
Visibility is measured with the use of a secchi disc. The white/black disc
20 cm in diameter is lowered vertically through the water until it can no
longer be seen. Suspended particles reduce this visibility level. Therefore,
in the absence of turbidity from silt or mud the secchi disc serves as a
international standard to indicate phytoplankton.
Aesthetic Enhancement
Many lakes including residential and commercial lakes are not concerned
about fishing but wish to have a pond or lake that enhances the landscape.
We work closely with property managers to maintain a lake that is
aesthetically pleasing. Many of these services can be preformed on a yearly
contract basis. During the frequent inspections weeds and algae will be
noticed and treated preventing noxious infestations.
Contact us today for an
inspection and proposal for lake maintenance. Yearly contracts are less than
you may think.
Lime/Fertilization Programs
The best way to increase the productivity of a fishing pond is through a
good fertilization program. When performed properly the carrying capacity of
a pond can go from 100 pounds of fish per acre up to 400 pounds per acre.
Fertilizer alone does not grow big fish, but allows you to have more pounds
of fish. However, combine fertilization with a good harvest plan and you are
on the road to bigger fish whatever your goals.