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Soil Analysis:
Excessive seepage in ponds is generally due either to a poor site--that is,
one in which the soils in the impounded area are too permeable to hold
water--to improperly constructed levees or dams, or to physical damage
caused by tree roots, burrowing rodents, or other factors. Selecting a poor
site is often the result of inadequate preliminary site investigations and
is, therefore, an avoidable situation. You can avoid improper construction
just as you can avoid the establishment of trees and shrubs that develop
root systems that undermine the dam.
This is why at Catskill Pond the first steps to a successful project is an
complete Soil Analysis using test holes and field study to determine the
composition of the pond site soil.
Contact Catskill
for a complete Soil Analysis and site
evaluation before the bulldozer makes the first tracks at your site. Up
front planning and analysis can save you thousands of dollars and avoid the
horrors that we have been asked to fix that were created by other "Pond
Minimizing seepage is key to a successful Pond project. There are several
methods available:
Some pond areas can be made relatively impervious by compaction if the
material has different particle sizes--small gravel or coarse sand to fine
sand--and enough clay (usually 10 percent or more) and silt to effect a
seal. This is the least expensive method of those presented in this website.
Compaction, however, is limited to these specific soil conditions and by the
depth of water to be impounded.
Adding bentonite is another method of reducing seepage in soils containing
high percentage of coarse-grained particles and not enough clay. Bentonite
is a fine-textured colloidal clay. When wet, it absorbs several times its
own weight of water and, at complete saturation, swells to as much as 8 to
20 times its original volume. Mixed in the correct proportions with
well-graded coarse-grained material, thoroughly compacted, and then
saturated, the particles of bentonite swell until they fill the pores to the
point the mixture is nearly impervious to water. Upon drying, however,
bentonite shrinks to its original volume resulting in cracks; therefore,
sealing with bentonite is usually not recommended for ponds in which the
water level is expected to fluctuate widely. A laboratory analysis of soil
particle size distribution is required to decide the rate of application.
Waterproofed Linings
Using waterproofed linings is another method of reducing excessive seepage
in ponds with coarse-grained and fine-grained soils. Polyethylene, vinyl,
butyl-rubber membranes, and asphalt-sealed fabric liners are gaining wide
acceptance as linings for ponds because they virtually eliminate seepage if
properly installed.
Chemical Additives
Because of the structure or arrangement of the clay particles, seepage is
often excessive in fine-grained soils. If these particles are arranged at
random with end-to-plate or end-to-end contacts, they form an open, porous,
or honeycombed structure, and the soil is said to be aggregated. Applying
small amounts of certain chemicals to these porous aggregates may result in
collapse of the open structure and rearrangement of the clay particles. This
dispersed structure reduces soil permeability. The chemicals used are called
dispersing agents.